Giving Back
Supporting the Community That Supports Antarctica
This past season, we donated more than $350,000 in cabin space and fundraising dollars to organizations that support Antarctica.
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is the world’s premiere independent organization dedicated exclusively to ocean research, technology and education; and as such, they conduct critical research into the behavior and well-being of Antarctica’s whale population.
The UK Antarctic Heritage Trust exists to preserve, enhance and promote British Antarctic heritage to engage, inform and inspire a global audience by caring for and conserving historic buildings and artifacts in Antarctica.
Click here to support the UKAHT.
Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC) is the leading global charity dedicated to the protection of whales and dolphins. Their goals are to end captivity, stop whaling, create healthy seas, and prevent deaths in fishing gear. Click here to support our work.
Through research and conservation projects, campaigns, environmental education, and involvement in a range of important international committees, OceanCare undertakes concrete steps to improve the situation for wildlife in the world’s oceans.
The South Georgia Heritage Trust (SGHT) was established to support two primary purposes, to conserve and protect indigenous fauna and flora, and to assist efforts to preserve the historical heritage of South Georgia.
Click here to support the SGHT.
Happywhale strives to inspire kinship between humans and marine life through whale citizen science – tracking individual whales throughout our world’s oceans.
Click here to support our work and make whales happy!
Scott Polar Research Institute’s mission is to enhance the understanding of the polar regions through research, education, caring for and making accessible its collections, and projecting the history and environmental significance of the polar regions to the wider community.
Better Blue’s mission is to solve problems in marine ecosystems by combining the efforts of private, public and third sectors. Its projects range from protecting dolphins and whales in aquariums, to reducing plastic waste in the oceans. Click here to support our work.
Since 2007, Blue Ribbon has been one of China’s leading marine conservation nonprofit organizations devoted to marine conservation education, litter management, resource protection and ecological restoration.
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Ready to join us on board in supporting these amazing organizations working to protect Antarctic wildlife and heritage?