Camping Terms

Terms and Conditions for Camping


Campers must be at least 12 years old with basic command of the English language. Campers under 18 must be accompanied overnight by their legal guardian.


Published camping rates are quoted in U.S. dollars and are per person.


A non-refundable 20% deposit is required to confirm space on our camping program. Final payment is due with final voyage payment, 120 days prior to departure.


    If the camping program is already full and you wish to camp, we’re happy to waitlist you – please notify us or your agent. Upon embarkation, all confirmed and waitlisted campers will be briefed on the expected conditions and procedures for camping. If any spaces open up prior to the camping taking place, our expedition team will clear passengers from the waitlist, based on the date waitlisted (as well as gender, # of people in party, etc). If upon embarkation camping spaces are still available, an onboard waitlist will be collected, and a lottery process will determine any additions to the camping program.

    Anyone added to the camping program after embarkation must pay the camping fee prior to participation in the camping.

    Location and Frequency

    We will do our best to provide you with the opportunity to camp once overnight at a snow-covered site chosen by our experienced team, away from wildlife and protected or vulnerable areas.  Like your expedition, your camping experience will take place in one of the roughest and toughest environments in the most remote part of the world.

    Despite our experience in organizing camping programs, we cannot guarantee any particular location because our ability to do so very much depends on the weather, ice, and snow conditions, which can be changeable, and over which we have no control. 

    Although rare, it may be impossible to camp during a voyage if conditions are not safe. Should the camping program be cancelled for weather or safety reasons, we will refund all camping fees. If not enough people choose to participate in the camping program, we reserve the right to cancel the camping program prior to your expedition and advise you accordingly.

    Equipment & Safety

    We provide the following camping equipment:

    • Insulated sleeping bag, rated to -20° F (-29° C)
    • Sleeping bag liner
    • One dry-bag for pillow and change of dry clothes
    • Mountaineering bivy sack
    • Insulated sleeping pad

    We will also provide one portable toilet for the group. True darkness during the polar summer is limited or absent, but we advise you to bring a light on trips departing after Feb 1, when the night sun is less powerful.

    To take part in the camping program, you must be appropriately dressed. Remember that in Antarctica weather conditions can change rapidly, and with little or no warning.  It is therefore important that you are adequately prepared for the worst possible conditions. For sleeping, we suggest you bring a clean, dry set of thermals (top and bottom), and warm socks ashore with you to change into just before getting into your sleeping bag; it is important not to leave on clothing which you’ve been wearing, since any sweat or moisture will make you colder during the night.

    Camping Logistics

    Once you have left the ship for the start of your camping experience, you will not be returning to the vessel until the next morning, unless there is a genuine medical emergency which requires you to return to the vessel or to be taken elsewhere.

    Therefore, it is important that you prepare properly and adequately for your night camping ashore and away from the vessel.

    As with all shore activities it is possible conditions may change unexpectedly and prevent immediate access to the ship. Each guest is responsible for ensuring they are properly outfitted for an extended stay onshore. If camping with children, please remember that their smaller size and lower body weight means they may get cold more quickly, so prepare accordingly.

    During your camping experience, you will be accompanied by experienced Expedition Team members who will supervise our camping activities throughout and help you ensure your bivy and gear are set up correctly for a secure and comfortable night in Antarctica. All campers will be required to attend all shipboard and field-based camping briefings.

    Sanitary Facilities

    During your night ashore, very basic sanitary facilities will be provided. We recommend avoiding over-consumption of liquids before embarking on the camping excursion. Emergency food rations, drinking water and essential medical supplies will be taken ashore to the campsite, but per IAATO guidelines there will be no cooking facilities or offerings of food. Eat well at dinner before leaving the ship! Campers will return to the ship before breakfast in the morning. If you have a medical condition that requires you to eat more frequently, please speak to the Camp Master before going ashore to camp.


    In the interests of your safety and comfort, and that of the other participants, you must listen to, understand, and comply with all instructions given. You must have a good command of the English language, so that you are able to fully understand instructions. If at any time you are not sure that you have fully understood instructions, for your own safety please advise your guides immediately. If you must be withdrawn from the program, there will be no refund, so please contact your agent immediately if you are not sure you are qualified to participate.


    If weather or other conditions prevent us from offering camping, we will issue a full refund of the program fee to all participants.

    If you decide not to participate in camping once you are on board, or if you need to be withdrawn from the program for safety reasons (i.e. language or health challenges) you will not be refunded.

    Updated February 2024.  Camping terms subject to change.